Tips for Extending the Life of Your Used Hyundai
As a car owner, it’s important to do everything you can to get the most out of your vehicle. And while you can pretty much expect years of great performance from a new Hyundai, you have to be more diligent with a used model. Here’s what you need to do to keep your used Hyundai in fine shape.
Do: Be Careful How You Drive
On top of being courteous to other drivers and always using your turn signals, it's also important to drive carefully, as you may inadvertently be causing parts in your car to break down faster.
For example, waiting until you’re almost at a red light or stop sign before applying the brakes will put more of a strain on them. Taking turns so quickly that you hear your tires squeal will also cause your treads to wear down quicker. Constant short trips will also reduce the lifespan of your battery.
Don’t: Neglect Maintenance
Your car needs regular checkups to ensure it’s running well and that all of its components are in good condition. It’s essential to have major parts like your brakes, battery, and engine inspected on a yearly basis.
There are also several service tasks you can’t forget about. Your oil should be changed every six months or so, regardless of how many miles you drive. The same is true for tire rotations. Topping off transmission, brake, power steering, and all other fluids is also something you need to do.
It's easy to give your car the regular service it needs so you can enjoy years of great performance. All you have to do is schedule an appointment with our service center at Mike Miller Hyundai to get started.